Friday, December 15, 2006

Love in a Few Words: My Own

Love in a Few Words: My Own

To love is to care for a beloved one
in good and bad times,
to share one's innermost feelings
with that person and vice versa,
to help small and big ways,
to make sacrifices and endures the consequences
to listen to one another,
to create a wayfor another to escape danger,
to have pity for the despised oneand seek his interest...
to give one's life for another
but not take another's life away,
to share one's homewith a stranger...
to cherish one anotherand appreciate one another,
to keep a promiseby fulfilling it in due time,
to make peace and walk away from war,
to make life easierfor another at one's own cost,
to respect other's propertyand do not envy it,
to save another's life at no cost,to give...
when nothing is expected.
To love is to bless one another,
and defend one another,
and live for one another.

by Dick M. Joe Trio">Link


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